HomeBlogThe Economic Importance Of Fish Is A Vital Component Of Pakistan

The Economic Importance Of Fish Is A Vital Component Of Pakistan

Considering the economic importance of fish is a vital component of Pakistan’s extensive coastline along the Arabian Sea, multiple rivers, and network of freshwater bodies, the economic significance of fish cannot be emphasized. The importance of fisheries to Pakistan’s economy may be seen in their significant contributions to livelihoods, food availability, and foreign exchange revenues.


The Economic Value Of Fish

The family of fish is the most significant category of vertebrates that provide sustenance for humans. They employ numerous people all over the world, and they have tremendous:

  • economic,
  • nutritional,
  • medical,
  • industrial,
  • artistic,
  • and religious values.

In many parts of the world, they support food security and act as a beneficial addition to varied and healthy diets.

As opposed to other meat from animals that live on land, eating fish provides several:

  • physiological,
  • nutritional,
  • environmental,
  • and social benefits.

In conclusion, fisheries like Breeze Fish Point play a crucial role in Pakistan’s economy by generating export income, ensuring food security, and fostering economic growth. The economic importance of fish farming cannot be overstated, as sustainable management and investment in the fishing industry are vital for Pakistan’s coastal and rural populations to continue to experience economic growth and well-being.

1. Fish Food Value

The human diet has traditionally included fish as a critical component.

Throughout time immemorial, almost all freshwater and marine fish have been consumed, and they constitute a significant source of:

  • protein,
  • fat,
  • and vitamins A and D.
  • The majority of fish have white flesh that is 300 to 1600 calories per pound in dietary value
  • and includes 13 to 20% protein on average.

2. Cattle Feeding On Fish

Fish parts not consumed by humans are dried and processed in a mill, along with cannery waste. The artificial food for pigs, cattle, and fowl is fish meal. Sardines, meckerels, ribbon fish, etc., are used primarily to manufacture fish meals in numerous states, including Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bengal, and Kerala.

Since fish meal has a high amount of calcium phosphate and roughly 60% protein,

 it is particularly beneficial to livestock and fowl. Fish meal production is a cottage enterprise that requires little startup capital.

3. Dietary Value

Fish is a very wholesome food. Although it offers a pleasant,

  • low-calorie supper,
  • it has a lot of high-quality protein.
  • Carbohydrate-free diet that is beneficial for those with diabetes and other conditions of this nature.

On a dry weight basis, fish contain between 60 and 80 per cent and between 15 and 30 per cent of protein.

 Having well-balanced amino acids, fish protein is very digestible. The fat and cholesterol content of fish is minimal. A, B, and D vitamins, as well as calcium, iodine, fluorine, magnesium, and zinc, are all found in fish, which is a good source of all these nutrients.

Fish are abundant in Omega-3-containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish, are essential fatty acids.

Together, they are referred to as Omega-3. Despite being necessary to the diet, they cannot be generated by the human body. The risk of heart attack can be reduced by using these polyunsaturated fatty acids to lower blood cholesterol levels.

4. Therapeutic Value

Fish is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, low in fat, and high in protein. Regular fish consumption can lower your risk of contracting different illnesses and problems.

Several research findings suggest the following:

  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Brain and eyes
  • Joints
  • Diabetes


The fishing industry in Pakistan is a vital part of the nation’s economy, contributing to foreign exchange revenues, employment, and food security. A key symbol of this sector is the national fish of Pakistan, the Mahseer, which not only holds cultural significance but also represents the rich biodiversity found in the country’s aquatic ecosystems. This industry supports countless communities along the coastlines and riverbanks, providing livelihoods and sustenance for many families. By sustainably managing their fishery resources, Pakistan aims to enhance the economic benefits derived from this critical industry.



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